This Week at Holy Family

POTLUCK is Sunday, February 16, after the service. The theme is Amore, with Mediterranean dishes. Please join us for food and fellowship! 

BISHOP’S COMMITTEE MEETING February 16 at 11:45 a.m.

INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS STUDENT PANTRY It is time to restock the student pantry at IAIA. During February, please bring in the following and place in the copier room: snacks of all kinds, SPAM (the most asked for item by students), personal hygiene items such as toilet paper, deodorant, toothpaste, feminine hygiene items, hairspray, liquid soap, etc. Exams are the week of March 8, so we need to receive all items by Sunday, February 23.  

THANK YOU to all who helped make burritos and serve our neighbors at Cesar Chavez, as well as those who served at the Food Depot!

BIBLICAL SCHOLARS The resurrection of Christ is the basis for our hope for our own resurrection. This course provides an in-depth survey of the New Testament resurrection texts. Join us Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. Email for zoom information.

RED SKY READERS is discussing “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus on Feb. 16. All are welcome.  

PRAYER SQUARES meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, 6-8 pm (Feb. 25) either via zoom, or in person at church. Join us for knitting, crocheting, loom knitting, embroidery, or just fellowship. Email  

PRAYERS Kevin, Carol, Winn, Dan, Peggy, Eric, Tori, Mike, Scott, Melanie, Brian, Chloe, Ellie, Barbara, Marlys, Joan, Barb, Yasmeen, John, Toni, Kristina, Anne, Tina, David and Olivia. For the departed, Paul, Chuck, Connie and Lucy. To add names, email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.comA new prayer list starts in March.

THANK YOU TO OUR SERVERS THIS SUNDAY: lectors Katherine Rowe and Charles Chambers, altar server Pat Oliver-Wright, greeter Dan Donoghue, livestreamer Mike Hodges and Altar Guild member Pat Oliver-Wright.